4 questions | 4 minutes | 4 companies
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News / GREENTECH FESTIVAL Special Prize 2024

A Co-Founder's invitation accepted

Alina and Anni from Tostedt Gymnasium were awarded the GREENTECH FESTIVAL Special Prize for their video on SOS Children's Village and their special focus on sustainability in their analysis at the last b@s video challenge in September. They received a personal invitation from Nico Rosberg to the GREENTECH FESTIVAL 2024. Finally, the time had come, and it was "Berlin calling!"

What an exciting opportunity for the students to experience green tech innovations, see bold pioneers on stage, and roam an inspiring exhibition. 

GREENTECH FESTIVAL Special Prize 2024: The GREENTECH FESTIVAL SPECIAL PRIZE will be presented to the team of students who have addressed the topic of sustainability in a particularly thorough and creative way in their video contribution about one of the four companies. No further registration is necessary - all videos will be checked for this.

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